Thursday, January 22, 2015

Ship Happens

Today the #YourTurnChallenge asks me to think about something I do well...and then teach my readers how to do it.

One thing I do well is, in Godin-speak, Ship.

Well, yes and no. Yes, I am a first-rate shipper when it comes to others: In decades of writing for clients, I have never missed a deadline.

But when it comes to my own work...not so much. I could pretend otherwise, but a quick look at the dates of previous blog posts would give me away very quickly.

Even though it's something I do well only sometimes, I'm going to write about shipping. Perhaps the excellent shipper-for-clients can teach something to the inconsistent shipper-for-myself. And you're welcome to read along, too.

I feel a sense of responsibility to my clients.

My clients have deadlines - If they've accepted an invitation to give a speech on a specific date and time, I need to ship that speech at least a week earlier.

My clients have goals - they trust that I will send them to the podium with something compelling and memorable to say.

Well, it doesn't take a genius to see where this is going. I unfailingly meet my clients' deadlines, yet I rarely set deadlines for myself. I deliver on my clients' goals; I rarely articulate my own. I feel a sense of responsibility to my clients because they are paying the bills. But my own work - like blogging, to build a wider pool of potential clients - that waits until I have "something to say."

I'm only halfway through this weeklong blogging challenge (let's hear it for Day 4!) and it's clear to me that if I need to write, I will find something to say. "Need," for me (I'm learning) requires a commitment. And while I'm great at making and keeping commitments to my clients, I have a pretty woeful track record of doing so for myself. Yes, "Ship" happens. But only when I make it happen.

So here's a commitment: I will blog at least twice a week. And finally get my monthly newsletter going. Sign up for it in the box to the left.

Ship, ship, hooray!

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